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Friday, August 2, 2024

Good Benefits of Bananas for Happiness

Eat bananas to always be happy

Banana is a tropical plant. In Indonesia itself, there are many types of banana plants. Bananas are a type of plant that is easy to obtain and does not require special care. Not surprisingly, many people use empty yards around their homes to plant bananas.

In the world of beauty, bananas are known as a fruit that can help keep skin looking youthful and healthy. You can get various benefits of bananas for health and beauty by consuming them every day or using them as a skin-pack (facial skin mask).

Bananas are often processed into various kinds of food. Starting from salads to juices. Apart from its sweet taste and soft texture, it turns out that bananas also have a multitude of health benefits.
Good Benefits of Bananas for Happiness
It's not surprising that bananas are one of the favorite fruits that are often chosen to supplement nutrition and companions when on a diet.

One banana can fulfill 30% of the body's need for vitamin B6. This vitamin can help brain development to produce the hormones serotonin, melatonin and norepinephrine.

Serotonin is a hormone that can trigger feelings of pleasure when it is released. By eating bananas, we can trigger the brain to release one of these happy hormones. So it's not surprising that we feel happy because we eat bananas.

Apart from the hormone serotonin, the body also releases melatonin. Melatonin functions to regulate drowsiness and natural sleep time. With melatonin, the body can get ideal quality rest. This can also make us happy.

Finally, there is norepinephrine which functions to mobilize the brain and body to act. Norepinephrine provides the balance our body needs during activity.

The benefits of this banana are second to none. However, that doesn't mean we only eat bananas. We also need to pay attention to other nutritional needs that must be met.

With its various nutritional content, there are many health benefits that can be obtained from bananas. The following are some of the benefits:

For eye health

Bananas contain fat-soluble vitamin A. As we know, Vitamin A is one of the nutrients the body needs for eye health.

Bananas are very good for treating stomach acid

The content of bananas can overcome pain due to high production of stomach acid in the body. For this reason, when your stomach feels painful due to stomach acid, eat enough bananas. And when you consume it regularly and regularly, the pain you experience due to stomach acid will gradually improve.

Fetal health

Pregnant women are advised to eat bananas because the folic acid content is easily absorbed by the fetus.

Overcoming anemia (lack of blood)

This fruit also contains iron. Two bananas every day are enough to save anemia sufferers.

Overcoming digestive disorders

Bananas have antacid properties and are easy to digest so they are good for consumption by people with stomach acid disorders. Research in England on experimental animals, animals that were fed bananas, their stomach walls became stronger. For this reason, choose sweet bananas such as plantains. The fiber in bananas facilitates bowel movements. Its vitamin B6 helps relieve diarrhea symptoms.

Lose weight

Complex carbohydrates do not raise glucose levels drastically; It is also low in fat so it is safe for weight loss program participants. As long as the bananas are not processed in the form of banana milk shakes, fried bananas or compote. The fiber in bananas also reduces weight because it accelerates the metabolic process.

Bananas for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women are advised to consume bananas, because they contain high levels of folic acid which is important for fetal perfection, the formation of new cells and preventing congenital defects. A ripe banana will contain around 85-100 calories. So by eating two fresh bananas, the need for folic acid, which is around 58 micrograms, can be met. Apart from that, bananas will help maintain blood sugar levels which can reduce morning sickness, so bananas are very good for snacking for pregnant women.

Mental Health Benefits 

Bananas contain large amounts of vitamin B6, which is necessary for the production of neurotransmitters important for controlling mood, such as dopamine and serotonin. Additionally, adequate intake of vitamin B6 has been linked to improved cognitive performance and may reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. 

Tryptophan, an amino acid found in bananas, helps produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter widely referred to as the “feel good” hormone.
Tryptophan and vitamin B6 in bananas have a relaxing effect on the nervous system so they can reduce anxiety and stress.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

What are the benefits of eating fruit?

This is the reason why it is important to consume fruit every day

“Fruit is the best source of nutrition for getting vitamins, minerals, fiber and other important nutrients. Moreover, in Indonesia there are also many types of fruit to choose from that have delicious tastes. So from now on there is no longer any reason not to eat fruit every day."
Every July 1 is celebrated as World Fruit Day. Consuming fruit is very important to have a healthy body.
What are the benefits of eating fruit?
It turns out, there are a ton of benefits for residents of tropical countries like Indonesia.

One of them is that there are many types of plants that produce various kinds of healthy fruits that can be eaten every day.

As we know, there are many benefits of eating fruit every day.

So, below are a number of benefits of eating fruit every day that you need to know.

What are the benefits of fruit for our bodies?

In fact, there are many benefits for people living in tropical countries like Indonesia. One of them is the presence of a diversity of plant species that produce a variety of healthy fruits that can be consumed every day.

Call it pears, pineapple, mangosteen, dragon fruit, snake fruit, and several other fruits that may be found more rarely outside Indonesia. These fruits have also been proven to have many benefits for the body. Apart from being able to provide daily nutrition, fruit can also prevent disease. Experts also recommend that you consume at least 400 grams of fruit and vegetables/day to stay healthy.

Well, there are several important reasons why you need to consume fruit every day:

Water sources

Keeping the body hydrated is very important for improving digestive health, metabolism, brain performance and body cells. Apart from water, consuming fruit can keep the body hydrated. One local fruit that contains a lot of water is watermelon, its water content is up to 92%.

Source of Vitamins: Various types of vitamins are found in fruit.

Fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Some of the important nutrients from these fruits include folate, vitamins A, B, B1, B6, C, and potassium.

Source of antioxidants, fruit is a natural source of antioxidants

Some of the vitamins and minerals contained in fruit also contain antioxidants. This substance is very important for fighting free radicals and keeping the body's immune system healthy.

Fruit Is a Healthy Diet Choice

Basically it is suitable for a natural diet, because fruit contains a lot of fiber and water, so consuming fruit can make you feel full longer than other intakes.

Lowers Cholesterol Levels and Blood Pressure

 Apart from helping with a diet program, the benefits of eating fruit can also be felt to reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Improve Brain Performance

Lastly, the benefits of eating fruit can improve brain performance.

Fruits that contain antioxidants are known to help protect the brain from oxidative stress and maintain blood vessel function.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

7 Benefits of Pears for General Body Health

“Pears have various health benefits. The benefits of pears include improving gut health, reducing the risk of diabetes 2, and supporting heart health.”

 Pears ("Pyrus communis") or commonly called pears have a slightly oval shape with a pointed tip.

The color varies from green to fresh yellow. The taste of ripe pears is very sweet and soft, with a slight sour taste.

In Indonesia, pears are very popular, especially the Asian pear ("Pyrus pyrifolia"), which has a sweet, sour and crunchy taste.

Apart from its delicious taste, pears also have lots of water and nutrients that are good for health.
7 Benefits of Pears for General Body Health
Like fruit in general, the most abundant nutrients in pears are vitamins, minerals and fiber.

However, this is not all. Below is the nutritional content of consuming one medium sized pear.
  • Energy: 101 kcal
  • Protein: 0.6 grams (g).
  • Fat: 0.2 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 27 g.
  • Fiber: 5.5 g.
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1): 0.021 milligrams (mg).
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 0.05 mg.
  • Niacin (vitamin B3): 0.29 mg.
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): 0.09 mg.
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6): 0.05 mg.
  • Folate (vitamin B9): 12.5 micrograms (mcg).
  • Calcium: 16 mg.
  • Iron: 0.3 mg
  • Magnesium: 12.5 mg.
  • Phosphorus: 21.4 mg.
  • Potassium: 206 mg.
  • Sodium: 1.8 mg.
Apart from the nutrients mentioned above, pears are also high in antioxidants and plant compounds.

All these beneficial nutrients are stored in fruit which is low in calories, fat and cholesterol.

Types of pears

1. Packham Pears

This is a common type of pear, originating from Africa. The skin is green with brown spots, and the taste is quite sweet and savory.

2. Lion Pear

Brown lion pears with a rough texture and sweet, fresh and crunchy taste originate from China.

3. Pirred Angel

A type of red Australian pear. Both the skin and flesh of pears can be eaten together.

4. Century Pears

It also comes from China and has pale yellow skin, a crunchy texture, and lots of juice.

5. Pear Bosc

It's long, not too bulky, with six grams of fiber and lots of water. The flesh is firm and soft, and the skin is slightly brown.

6. D'Anjou Pears

Has a shape similar to a bell and a short neck. Contains a lot of water and contains 6 grams of fiber, like Bosc Pears. Its skin is bright yellow with several red spots around it.

7. Bartlett Pears

This type of pear has an essential taste and strong aroma. Its size is large, its skin is yellow, and it has lots of water. Comparable to Bosc Pears and D’Anjou Pears, it has the same amount of nutrients.

Get to know the 7 benefits of consuming pears for health

Here are 7 impressive health benefits of pears.

1. Facilitates digestion

Eating pears can meet your daily fiber needs. Adequate fiber intake is acceptable helps facilitate bowel movements and can prevent constipation. By having regular bowel movements, your intestines will also be healthier and protected from various diseases.

2. Reduces the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

This healthy food contains flavonoids and anthocyanins that the body needs. Eating pears regularly can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

3. Supports Heart Health

Pears contain many flavonoids which are useful for improving heart health, increasing blood pressure, and maintaining cholesterol levels. Including pears in your daily diet has been proven to have a good effect on heart health.

4. Helps maintain bone health

Pears contain various vitamins and minerals important for bones, including vitamin K and boron. 

Vitamin K along with other minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus work together to maintain bone density and prevent bone loss. 

Meanwhile, boron plays a role in increasing bone mineral density, maintaining vitamin D levels in the bones, and reducing inflammation around the bones. These various functions are the key to strong and dense bones.

5. cancer-fighting potential

Various studies have proven that a diet that contains lots of fruit, especially pears, has the potential to protect the body from cancer.

This benefit likely comes from two anticancer substances in pears, namely anthocyanin and cinnamic acid.

Other research also states that fruit containing flavonoids may reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

6. Prevents Bloating

Often bloated after eating? Just try consuming pears as a snack. This fruit can prevent the accumulation of gas in the stomach which causes bloating. 

Generally, pears are also highly recommended for people with stomach acid. People who have stomach acid problems often feel bloated after eating.

After eating a lot, it's okay to eat a little pear. The stomach feels more comfortable because it is not bloated. This fruit is also recommended for consumption when Sayurfriends feel tired during activities.

7. Eliminate toxins

Pears are rich in air content which can help remove toxins from the body. This, in its counterpart, helps cleanse toxins in the liver, rejuvenate the skin and detoxify the body from the inside out.

Is it safe for pregnant women to eat pears?

Pears are a source of important nutrients containing vitamins A, C, K, B9, B6, and minerals such as sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, iodine, and tannin.

These nutrients can help fight infections, prevent constipation, and provide energy without causing weight gain. Pears also contain natural sugar.

Pregnant women can eat 1-2 medium sized pears per day. However, it is important to wash them thoroughly before consuming to avoid contamination with harmful bacteria and parasites.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


  Kejuaraan Sepak Bola Eropa UEFA 2024, biasa disebut UEFA Euro 2024 akan menjadi edisi ke-17 Kejuaraan Eropa UEFA, kejuaraan sepak bola internasional empat tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh UEFA untuk tim nasional putra. Dari asosiasi anggotanya. Jerman akan menjadi tuan rumah turnamen yang dijadwalkan berlangsung pada 14 Juni hingga 14 Juli 2024.

Jadwal Pertandingan Fase Grup Euro 2024 Jerman


Grup A





Grup B





Grup C





Grup D





Grup E





Grup F




Rep. Ceko

Jadwal Pertandingan Fase Grup Euro 2024 Jerman

Jadwal lengkap pertandingan Euro 2024 yang digelar di Jerman. Tahun ini Piala Eropa 2024 dimulai pada 14 Juni hingga 14 Juli 2024 mendatang. Simak "jadwal piala eropa 2024" selengkapnya berikut ini.

Minggu, 23 Juni

02.00 WIB
Grup E
Belgia vs Romania / Cologne

Senin, 24 Juni

02.00 WIB
Grup A
Swiss vs Jerman / Frankfurt
02.00 WIB
Grup A
Skotlandia vs Hungaria / Stuttgart

Selasa, 25 Juni

02.00 WIB
Grup B
Kroasia vs Italia / Leipzig
02.00 WIB
Grup B
Albania vs Spanyol / Dusseldorf
23.00 WIB
Grup D
Belanda vs Austria / Berlin
23.00 WIB
Grup D
Prancis vs Polandia / Dortmund

Rabu, 26 Juni

02.00 WIB
Grup C
Inggris vs Slovenia / Cologne
02.00 WIB
Grup C
Denmark vs Serbia / Munich
23.00 WIB
Grup E
Slovakia vs Romania / Frankfurt
23.00 WIB
Grup E
Ukraina vs Belgia / Stuttgart

Kamis, 27 Juni

02.00 WIB
Grup F
Rep. Ceko vs Turki / Hamburg
02.00 WIB
Grup F
Georgia vs Portugal / Gelsenkirchen

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

10 Benefits of Pineapple: Prevent Cholesterol and Anti-Cancer

 Pineapple or Ananas comosus is a fruit that grows abundantly in tropical regions.

This fruit with a sweet and sour taste has a high fiber content and relatively low calories, so it is often included in healthy fruit menus for diets.

Apart from that, people since ancient times have also used this fruit as a traditional medicine to treat coughs and as a natural ingredient to prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face.
10 Benefits of Pineapple: Prevent Cholesterol and Anti-Cancer

Pineapple Nutritional Content

The weight of 1 medium-sized pineapple is approximately 900–1,000 grams. In 100 grams of pineapple, there are around 40 calories and the following nutrients:

✅ 0.5 grams of protein
✅ 10 grams of carbohydrates
✅ 1 gram of fiber 58 IU vitamin A,
✅ 48 milligrams vitamin C,
✅ 18 micrograms folate 110 milligrams potassium, 
✅ 12 milligrams magnesium

Apart from that, pineapple also contains vitamin B, choline, selenium, zinc, antioxidants, and bromelain which is a typical enzyme from pineapples. This enzyme can produce substances that can prevent inflammation.

Before discussing the various health benefits, here are interesting facts for you to know about pineapple:

- In the wild, pineapple plants can survive and continue producing fruit for up to 50 years.
- One pineapple plant can only produce one pineapple in one season.
- Hawaii produces about 1/3 of all the pineapples in the world.
- Almost all parts of the pineapple can be used in the production of vinegar and alcohol.
- Even though in English pineapple is called "pineapple", pineapple is not apple or pine. Pineapples are included in the berry group.

What are the benefits of pineapple?

Pineapples have various benefits for many body organs, from digestive organs, skin, to bones and joints. The benefits of pineapple can also be felt in general body health, because this fruit is able to strengthen the body's immune system, control cholesterol and maintain blood pressure.

Thanks to its content of important vitamins and minerals, pineapple can provide many health benefits. These include:

1. Improve bone health

A study in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research states that one of the nutrients that is important for bone health is vitamin C. In fact, pineapple contains high levels of vitamin C.

This vitamin has been proven to stimulate the production of bone-forming cells and protect bone cells from damage, one of which is osteoporosis.

2. Increase sperm production

Interestingly, not many people know that this fruit is also believed to help increase sperm formation. The bromelain enzyme content in this healthy food can stimulate the formation of the testosterone hormone, so that sperm production also increases.

3. Reduces the risk of cancer

Cancer is a chronic disease with symptoms of uncontrolled cell growth. The development of these cells is generally related to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.

The study in Nutrients notes that pineapple and its compounds, including bromelain, may reduce cancer risk by minimizing oxidative stress and reducing inflammation.

4. Prevent flu

One nutrient that can strengthen the body's immunity is vitamin C. Consuming 1 cup of fresh pineapple, or around 150 grams, is able to meet daily vitamin C needs. With sufficient vitamin C intake, the body's immune system will be stronger to prevent and fight infections, including flu.

5. Disguise black spots

The high content of vitamin C and antioxidants in pineapple means that this fruit is believed to reduce black spots due to exposure to UV rays and make skin color brighter. The benefits of pineapple can be obtained by applying cream containing pineapple extract evenly to facial skin.

6. Prevents Eye Disease

The content of vitamin A, beta-carotene, and antioxidant compounds in pineapple can help protect the eyes from damage caused by free radicals and UV rays. Consuming pineapple regularly can help maintain eye health, prevent macular degeneration, and minimize the risk of age-related eye diseases.

7. Prevents Heart Attacks

The risk of heart attack can be reduced by maintaining a healthy diet. The nutrients and antioxidants in pineapple help lower the risk of heart attack, providing additional protection for your heart

8. Speeds up recovery after surgery and strenuous exercise

Eating pineapple can reduce the time needed to recover from surgery or exercise. This is largely due to the anti-inflammatory properties of bromelain contained in pineapple.

Several studies show that bromelain can reduce inflammation, swelling, bruising, and pain that often occur after surgery. Bromelain is also believed to speed up recovery from damage caused by strenuous exercise by reducing inflammation around damaged muscle tissue.

9. Able to heal wounds quickly

The anti-inflammatory content in pineapple is useful for healing wounds quickly. How to use it: You simply apply pineapple juice to the painful area. Apart from that, pineapple juice can also help clean wounds.

10. Prevents Asthma

The risk of developing asthma is lower in people who consume high amounts of certain nutrients.

One of these nutrients is beta-carotene. It is found in orange, yellow, and dark green plant foods. Examples include pineapple, mango, papaya, apricot, broccoli, melon, pumpkin and carrot.

Some studies have also shown that bromelain may contribute to reducing asthma symptoms.

Even though it promises many health benefits, pineapple consumption should still be limited to one day.

Because most of the calories in pineapple come from sugar, which can be dangerous for diabetes sufferers. For those of you who are pregnant, it's okay to eat pineapple as long as you don't overdo it.

That's an explanation of the benefits of pineapple for health. Apart from its sweet and refreshing taste, it turns out that pineapple has many health benefits. Therefore, don't forget to consume pineapple regularly to maintain your health.
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